by | Feb 14, 2017 | Intercession
Luke 11:10-13 NIV “For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (11) “Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? (12) Or if he asks for an egg, will...
by | Jan 14, 2017 | Intercession
Me: Jesus, can we talk? Jesus: Sure. You know I’m always here for you. Me: Would it be okay with you if I cut back on my time in prayer. I have so much going on right now. I mean, you understand, right? Jesus: So, what you’re saying is that you are...
by | Jan 14, 2017 | Intercession
In the Kingdom of God prayer is implied. In the life of the disciples of Christ, prayer is essential. In the world around us, answers to impossible problems can only come through prayer… actual praying. If this is true, then we need to ask this question,...
by | Jan 14, 2017 | Intercession
Where do the broken and hurting get the H.O.P.E. (healing, opportunity, purpose and emergence) they need to flourish in Christ? In four short words: The House of Prayer. The House of Prayer is not inactive, but active… not passive, but bold… not...
by | Jan 14, 2017 | Intercession
I have come to lean on prayer for everything. Day-by-day I find myself in a rhythm of conversation with the Father that is necessary and makes life seem pointless without it. A short while ago, around the Thanksgiving holiday, I was deep in prayer for a friend and...